Monday, September 22, 2008

The skinny on the Not-so-skinny me!

Okay, here is the update I promised on my weight loss journey from last year. Well, since last year I had lost 10 more pounds then gained that back and then 10lbs. of the original 3olbs. I had lost. I've not been exercising either, so any muscle I gained through hard work TaeBo ing it is gone, unfortunately. With this years school schedule being more demanding having 2 kids and sometimes 3 doing school I haven't figured out how to get the exercise in again...but I really want to because I loved how I felt while in shape. I am praying about that. I've had some false starts of trying to get back on the wagon and lose some more weight, but they didn't last more than a week. This time, I've prayed and asked the Lord to help me and He has! I am going strong on week 3! We've had some pretty crazy things come that has kept me from being real strict but in 2 weeks I have lost 5lbs. and things are going pretty easy. I just picked up some nifty gadgets tonight that I think I'm really going to enjoy.

Stonehendge and blocks

Okay, I never would have thought a 3 1/2 year old (Ben, top left) would get Stonehendge and actually build the best replica of the bunch! Interesting note: some creationist believe Stonehendge could have been started being built shortly after Noah's Flood. They estimate (through experiments and reinactments) that it took about 25 men to move one stone! It was used to record the rising and setting of the sun and track the moon and season. Great proof that early man was indeed the intelligent beings that we believe our God created us to be from Day 1.
Caed's impressionistic version of Stonehendge. And Liam (top right) wasn't too happy about not having the enough blocks to make a circle and decided to creat his own version.....but still not happy.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

New Movie


This brilliantly produced film radiates messages of authentic determination, faith and hope, even for those of us who have felt like giving up on our marriages.

This looks like a really great movie! Here is a link to a review on Focus on the Family:

You can see several trailers by clicking on the videos link in the picture above.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Boys in the garden

Daddy is loving all the help he gets in the garden now. The boys are weeding here. But everyone morning, unless it rains, they go out and water the garden and check how things are growing. This morning when they went out Caed came in and said he thought a racoon had gotten in and knocked down all the corn stalks and nibbled on the leaves. Well, turns out, once Daddy got home and took a look, that it was just the wind! So they have the corn all propped up with string now and doing fine.

Working hard! Taking after Daddy!

These guys take after Mommy! =)

Spiderman & Batman @ school today

Batman and Spiderman showed up at school today!

We were working on our timeline for History (we learned about the Sumarians, the Tower of Babel, and the Epic of Gilgimash), adding our new figures, and the superhero's came to help!!!!

Also this week Ben learned how to write the letter "A"! Yay Ben! Good job, Buddy!

Since we were learning about the Sumerians who wrote in Cunieform writing on clay tablets...we thought we would try!

This is Liam's initials in cunieform, click on the picture to enlarge and you can see it better.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

You'll have to wait for a weight update!

I know my most prominent post on here is about my weight loss last year. Well, I'm going to be posting an update to that soon but you will have to "weight" on that! Ha Ha! Made a funny! =)

Rainbow Pancakes

I was going through my pictures today and stumbled on these:

Aren't the colors perty?!
Okay, here's the story. The cupboards were pretty bare...waiting for payday to come around. I wanted to make something for dinner that was healthy but also that the kids would enjoy. So I rummaged around and saw I had some flour, eggs, powdered milk, and frozen fruit. I remembered reading about rainbow pancakes online a few weeks back and I decided I was going to try it. I pulled out my juicer and blender, substituted the juices and purees for the liquid in the recipe and Voila! the beautiful colors you have before you. The orange ones were made with carrot juice, the green ones from lettuce (yes, lettuce), purple ones somehow were from raspberries, and yellow was mango. Let me just say....the boys thoroughly enjoyed making eating them was a different story. If I ever do this again...I'll be sticking with normal flavorings like blueberry and strawberry. NEVER EVER try to make lettuce pancakes!

Daddy and Son

A picture says a thousand words!